Friday, September 20, 2019

Do you feel that crispness?

No? You don't feel that crispness in the air? Yeah, me neither.

Seems like we're going to have some warm weather for awhile longer here in Cincinnati.  And high school football has already started, so that means we are getting into reunion season!  

Can you believe that next year will be our 25yr reunion?  I surely can't!

As always, the planning starts early.  I'll be sharing details all throughout the next year just like I did for our 20th.  So keep an eye on here and the Facebook group, if you are on the Book of Face. :-)

I know a lot of you probably still have the same contact information, but please take a moment to fill out this form for me so that I know the best way to get in touch with you.  As always, I don't share the details with anyone.  They are just for me and the reunion committee to communicate to you details about the reunion.

Have a great Friday and an even better weekend!   -Tim


A little Bluebird told me that YOU should make preparations to visit Ft. Thomas on Saturday September 25th, 2021. So if you ain't lookin...